Female prostitutes are common in movies but male prostitutes are rare and the latest movie Palpalma wants to cash in the fact that it is the first Nepali movie to feature male prostitute.
The movie was dragged into controversy during its shooting. The movie was widely publicized with photos and posters of bed scenes featuring Ramit Dhungana and Sujata Sitaula. Due to the hot scenes in the movie, the censor board has barred viewers, below 16 years of age, from watching the movie. The movie was first shown in Hong Kong in March.
Debut movie of director Ukesh Dahal, and produced by Mr. Harihar Acharya, the movie is told to have a new taste and fresh concept. The movie features Ramit Dhungana, Dilip Rayamajhi, Rupa Rana, Sujata Situla, Dilip Gautam, Suman Singh, Bikrant Basnet, Usha, Sashi Khadka, Asim Rana etc.
Palpalma is a movie written and directed by Ukesh Dahal with the story of married women who enjoy and satisfies sexually with male prostitute by buying them in the absence of their husband. Specially in a society women or girls choose prostitution but our new Nepali movie''Palpalma'' is a movie where its shown that even boy can choose prostitution.This is a new story in Nepali language and culture. 
Director Dahal  says ''movie Palpalma is made on the basic of sex where (outdoor worker )husband's wife enjoys with romance spending money send by their husband to a male prostitute also their hot romance scene is also included in the movie. The movie features Ramit Dhungana, Dilip Rayamajhi, Rupa Rana, Sujata Situla, Dilip Gautam, Suman Singh, Bikrant Basnet, Usha, Sashi Khadka, Asim Rana etc.
All the characters including director Dahal of the film are busy now a days to promote movie which release months is Bhadra. Harihar Acharya has produced the movie on the banner of Dahal production  with musician Mahesh Khadka. Movie was already famous among viewer before release because of hot bed scene so censer board of Nepal banned the movie for below 16 years aged viewers.Its new type of sex and sexual desire related new story movie so lets see and hope ''Palpalma'' do good business also get great position on Nepali Film Industry as well as on Nepali viewers.  

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