Uma is a new upcoming Nepali movie. There has been many movies made on a decade long conflict in the history of Nepal. Many has presented the heart-touching and sentimental stories of different characters from different aspects. Uma is also one of the movie made on the country conflict around 2000 A.D. which presents the story of a female combatant.
The movie has been directed by  critically acclaimed ‘Mukundo’ and ‘Karma’, Tsering Rhitar Sherpa, is going to release a new movie based on the story of a female combatant. The film lead by Recha Sharma features well known actors like Saugat Malla, Mithila Sharma, Prawin Khatiwada, Dayahang Rai, Pramod Agrahari, Pushkar Gurung and Suresh Chand.
Set on the story of early 2000 s when the country was going through one of the biggest conflicts in the history. Its the story of a female combatant. The movie show the circumstances and consequences of being a combatant.The story of the movie, co-written by Tsering with Kumar Bhandari, revolves around the life of Uma, a character based on true incident of a brother and a sister and their ideological differences.  After working for almost a year on the script and a workshop with the actors for more than a month, the shooting of ‘Uma’ started in location at Khopasi VDC, Kavre on November 1, 2012.
The music of the movie is composed by Gopal Yonjan and Abhaya & The Stream Injuns, cinematography by Purushottam Pradha, and the screenplay by Tsering Choden, Kumar Bhattarai and Tsering Rhitar Sherpa.
The movie is produced and directed by Tsering Rhitar whereas its screenplay has been written by Tsering Choden who is also the chief assistant director of the movie, Kumar Bhattarai and Sherpa himself.
During a decade long conflict, many people were missed along with many innocents murdered brutally, leaving many a deep pain in the chest with never healing solutions. These all stories are now hitting the silver screen.

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